The birthplace of Thomas Gainsborough in Sudbury, Suffolk, is a particularly beautiful house, dating from 1520. Gainsborough was born in 1727, the youngest of nine children, and went on to become one of the greatest landscape painters, the inspiration for Constable and, in 1768, a founder member of the Royal Academy.
The house was opened to the public in 1961, as a museum and gallery with a wide selection of Gainsborough’s landscapes and portraits. It is an extraordinarily stimulating setting in which to view the pictures. The house also has an oasis of peace in its walled garden, in which are several fine trees including a 400 year old Black Mulberry, a Quince and a Medlar. In this memorable place, Ewan has drawn these three trees.
His drawings will be available on various cards at Gainsborough’s House (46, Gainsborough Street, Sudbury, Suffolk CO10 2EU:; tel. 01787 372958 ). Prints may be ordered directly from Ewan.

Black Mulberry

